Hi, This is sahil I am the founder and CEO of a Remote Job Board Platform named as Feedinkoo.
Recently, while exploring the job opportunities for my job board website, I came across this new side hustle where people claims that they get paid to write envelopes. so i decided to spend some time and go through this thing and share you a very realistic point of view.
Before, saying anything about this specific side hustle, I would like to highlight the fact that side hustle are for real and plays a very critical role in an individuals financial development but before starting with any kind of side hustle you should do prior research.
What I think about this!
In today’s digital age is there really a need to write envelopes? most of the individuals and business rely on email marketing, online invitations or pre printed labels for mailing. But here a thing people feel more connected to hand crafted things. that gives a sense of importance to an individual but can this passion really become a side hustle worth spending your time? If you are really into it yes it is possible and we have a proven example which is Daakroom by Shivani and Harnehmat. From a passion project to a passionate business they are on a mission to revive handwritten communication.

Coming back to our topic
Things to keep in mind before starting a envelope writing side hustle. it is very important to have real expectations in mind.
Time investment: Even though writing a envelope might not be a time consuming but finding a envelope writing job is, you will need to invest a significant time in finding clients who are really interested in hiring someone for a envelope writing jobs, in future if the demands for this jobs increases you will be able to find envelop writing jobs on our job board under jobs
Low Pay Rate: Even if you are able to find envelope writing gig or job most likely the pay for the envelop writing might be low, always remember the pay is directly proportional to the value your job brings into the businesses.